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Winter Assistance to Syrians 2023-24

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have sought refuge in neighbouring Lebanon to escape the conflict, living a life of displacement and uncertainty. Unfortunately, Lebanon itself has been facing its worst economic crisis in a century, according to the World Bank. As a result, nearly four million people in Lebanon currently rely on humanitarian aid to survive.

As the winter months from November to March approach, Lebanon will face severe weather conditions. The harsh winter weather, including blizzards, landslides, and flooding, poses a constant threat to Syrian refugees living in temporary tents or rough dwelling places. Additionally, in some parts of Lebanon, temperatures drop below freezing, making it even more difficult for millions of Syrian refugees and impoverished Lebanese locals to afford basic winter necessities such as blankets, fuel, and heaters. Some resort to burning trash for warmth. The cold winter exacerbates their already challenging circumstances.

Over the past five years, CEDAR has worked with a long-term local partner to provide emergency winter supplies and humanitarian assistance to refugees. This year, CEDAR has allocated US$30,000 (approximately HK$235,500) to support our partners in Lebanon in distributing fuel, blankets, heaters, and other winter supplies to Syrian refugee families and impoverished families in Lebanon. The assistance is expected to help approximately 2,000 vulnerable families (around 8,000 individuals), with priority given to households led by women who are the sole breadwinners.

We believe that though weather is cold, but not our hearts. We are grateful for the ability and opportunity to distribute the necessary relief supplies to those in need through your support, allowing them to find hope amidst their hardships. Jesus said, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (See Matthew 25:34-40).

This winter, we invite everyone to bring warmth to those in need through your contributions, just as if you were doing it for the Lord Himself.

Project Details:

  • Project Period: Nov 2023 to Mar 2024
  • Beneficiaries: 2,000 households (approx. 8,000 individuals)
  • Distribution of winter supplies such as heaters, blankets, mattresses, emergency lighting, waterproof canvas, and fuel vouchers to Syrian refugees in Lebanon and vulnerable local households.
  • Priority assistance will be given to those in most urgent need, such as households led by women who are the sole breadwinners for their families.

Ministry Report


(Please specify: Winter Assistance to Syrians 2023-24)

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  1. CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please visit Inland Revenue Department website for details.
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