‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.’ (Genesis 1:31 – 2:1)
The public’s concept of poverty alleviation is to help the poor get over difficulties and improve their living conditions. From the perspective of Christianity, the Lord value not only human. This is because He sees everything He created as good and everything in the world as His masterpiece. In this case, except for humans, the things we care about are the place, animals and plants created by Him. Due to the greed of humans, they abuse the resources on earth; the environment is destroyed, and the relationship between humans and the earth is broken. CEDAR promotes projects of Creation Care, teaching farmers how to cultivate under the care of the land and the environment, which can increase their income and achieve sustainable development at the same time.
Creation Care
Care for the Creation in a long run
Please join the ‘Care for the Disaster-stricken Poor’ campaign to donate monthly and make a difference for those threatened by climate crises!
donation method
(Please specify: ‘Care for the Disaster-stricken Poor’)
Please make it payable to CEDAR FUND
Direct Deposit
HSBC: 004-600-385678-001
BEA: 015-185-68-00931-7SSA
BOC: 012-581-2-020114-7
DBS: 016-478-001364162
Faster Payment System
FPS ID: 3354016 or scan the below code in the online banking
After donation, please send a completed Donation Form, enclosing with cheque, bank-in slip or screenshot of successful payment along with your name, contact phone number and mailing address to us via mail, email or WhatsApp.
Address: CEDAR Fund, G.P.O. Box 3212, Hong Kong
Email: sharing@cedarfund.org
WhatsApp (for donation matters only): 5160 7549
- CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please visit Inland Revenue Department website for details.
- CEDAR Fund will issue a receipt for a donation of HK$100 or above for tax deduction. For a donation of less than HK$100, please get in touch with us to issue a receipt.
- Please DO NOT fax any donation information.