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Author: CEDAR Fund

‘SHARE’ 247 – The AES Girls We Encountered in Nepal

Editor’s Note At the end of November just past, CEDAR’s staff members went to Nepal to visit several partners. During the trip, apart from showing our care for our partners, we also monitored the progress of the projects, hoping that the projects would have better results. In ‘Focus’ of this issue, is the sharing from our staff about the new project ‘Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Girls in the Adult Entertainment Sector‘ in Nepal and the situation of the beneficiaries. In ‘Back to the Bible’, we can think about the relationship between climate change and developing countries and how we in rich areas can lend a helping hand from the Book of Jeremiah. In ‘Learn

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Karongi Church Empowerment Zone

Project Name Karongi Church Empowerment Zone Project Location Rwanda Project Natures Church and Community Mobilisation Livelihood Development Project Objectives Through training and other means, build up local churches to bear united witness in their communities, serving the vulnerable groups in their areas and fulfilling Integral Mission. Beneficiaries Local church leaders and vulnerable groups (including malnourished children and impoverished farmers). No. of Beneficiaries 10,362 Key Activities Church Mobilisation: Provide comprehensive training to local churches and enhance the functions of the Church Network Committee, enabling Integral Mission to be practised in various communities. Economic Development: Establish savings groups and offer financial management training to participants. Strengthening Family Function: Conduct Bible-based family group training, fostering healthy families by building strong marital

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Strengthening Reconciliation Cell Groups to Foster Sustainable Peace

Project Name Strengthening Reconciliation Cell Groups to Foster Sustainable Peace Project Location Rwanda Project Natures Peace and Reconciliation Project Objectives Support peace fellowships formed by community members, enhance the quality of life of members and strengthen the healing of psychological and social trauma after the genocide while maintaining the peaceful relationship of members. Beneficiaries Members and their families in the 14 community peace fellowships No. of Beneficiaries 449 Key Activities Enhance the post-trauma healing capacity of the community peace fellowship. Train CEDAR’s local partner and local community peace facilitators so that they can use the knowledge and skills they learn to further the journey of repentance and forgiveness of former genocide perpetrators and survivors. Provide a three-day advanced

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Integrated Approach to Reducing Sexual Gender Based Violence in Mzilikazi, Bubi and Umugza Districts, Zimbabwe

Project Name Integrated Approach to Reducing Sexual Gender Based Violence in Mzilikazi, Bubi and Umugza Districts, Zimbabwe Project Location Zimbabwe Project Natures Advocacy Children and Youth Development Project Objectives Enhance community residents’ awareness of sexual violence, gender-based violence, and human rights. Assist survivors of sexual violence and gender-based violence and other individuals in need in accessing sexual and reproductive health services at community clinics. Help women and girls in need access living subsidies and psychosocial support. Beneficiaries Residents of Mzilikazi, Bubi, and Umguza communities, community leaders, church leaders, and survivors of sexual violence and gender-based violence. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 2,320 Key Activities Community education: organise training, community dialogues, men’s groups, and other activities to promote awareness of

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Conservation Agriculture and Stewardship Promotion Programme

Project Name Conservation Agriculture and Stewardship Promotion Programme Project Location Zimbabwe Project Natures Livelihood Development Creation Care Project Objectives Promote smallholder farmers’ awareness and practice of land management (conserving soil, increasing crop diversity and yield) and family financial management (budgeting, cultivating saving habits, and reducing debt). Beneficiaries Smallholder farmers, church leaders, and community leaders in Kanyaga community, Mashonaland West Province. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 560 Key Activities Establish demonstration farms in the community to train smallholder farmers in conservation farming and improved land management. Provide smallholder farmers with family financial management training. Project Period Nov 2024 to Jan 2026 Expenses Approx. HK$318,350 Donate Now Impact Story For many women in Zimbabwe, losing a husband is more terrifying than

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Light in the Darkness

Interviewee: Chung Pui Ling (Acting Head of Programme)Editor: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) From late September to early October recently, CEDAR’s Acting Head of Programme, Chung Pui Ling (Ling) visited Myanmar and Lebanon. Monitoring the progress of CEDAR’s programmes which are implemented by the local partners, she could see a closer view of the picture. Stepping into reality in those places instead of understanding the programmes and partners through videoconferencing and documents, Ling experienced a greater variety of feelings and had more reflections. Although partners in Myanmar and Lebanon were facing different struggles, their resilience and persistence deeply touched Ling. The Journey across Myanmar ‘It is like seeing some old friends, even we have never seen each other before.’ The

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Ride Out the Storm to Carry the Holistic Mission forward

Writer: Ness Ma (Communications officer) When churches start new projects, they often face many challenges regarding resources, manpower, and knowledge, which can be inevitably overwhelming. C&MA Living Stones Church (hereinafter referred to as Living Stones Church) encountered the same when establishing Queen’s Hill Service Station. Over the past year, CEDAR has worked with Living Stones Church to share experiences, and provide mentorship and financial support so that the service station could work well. In an interview earlier, they summarised the unforgettable experience and outcomes. Living Stones Church shared that initially, not all the church members agreed on opening a new service centre. The argument is based on a lack of manpower, insufficient funds and resources. Moreover, they are

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‘SHARE’ 246 – Transformational Mindset for the Change and Growth in the Community

Editor’s Note ‘How could church bless the underprivileged groups in the community?’ This is a question that elders and deacons in the church must have in mind, and so does every Christian. Living in an ever-changing generation, we need to show even more creativity to respond to the needs of beneficiaries. In the section ‘Focus’, CEDAR introduces our partner in Rwanda. We will learn how they mobilise local churches to serve and hence, empower churches to become the driving force for community development. In ‘Back to the Bible’, Dr Mok Chan Wing Yan reminds us by the Book of Matthew – why churches need to help the poor. For ‘Blessings by Offering’ and ‘Taking Action’, there are two

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‘SHARE’ 246 – Transformational Mindset for the Change and Growth in the Community

Written by: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) Two cows are eating grass in the cowshed. Mixed feelings arise when Pastor Francois sees such a scene; nevertheless, a few years ago, owning two cows was impossible for him and his family, no matter how hard they tried. To him, this is a miracle of God. Looking back upon his life, Pastor Francois finds himself a 48 years old man coming from a poor farming village. With six children and a wife to raise, his meagre income could barely support his family expenditure. When the family’s financial stress had been tremendous already, there would not be any extra savings for livestock that help sustainable agriculture. In Karongi District, located in western

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Hope of Being Generous

Sharing: Belinda Editor: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) Parents always hope that children can be generous and know how to share with others, but how? If you have this question, you can look for how Belinda and her husband do so. In March this year, Belinda and her husband planned to hold a ‘100-day party’ for their daughter Hailey, but the pandemic was severe that they had to cancel their plan. At the same time, Ukraine was invaded by Russia; she noticed the situation of the refugees on the news every day. She also has a Ukrainian friend who had worked in Hong Kong before and is now retired in Ukraine. Therefore, when the war broke out there, Belinda

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