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Author: CEDAR Fund

‘Share’ 244 – Agricultural Revolution in Progress

Today, climate change is no longer just a textbook term. Recent studies have shown that global warming directly impacts grain production, with developing countries being hit the hardest. This issue of SHARE introduces Zimbabwe’s farmers’ new initiative to earn a living – the ‘agricultural revolution’. In addition, we will enter the mountains in northern Thailand and learn how local villagers deal with frequent natural disasters. Through Chief Executive Dr Chan Pui Si’s experience in poverty alleviation and verses from the Bible, we hope to encourage everyone to stand up for the poor, for who the climate crisis has severely struck. ARTICLES OF THIS ISSUE Agricultural Revolution in Progress Agricultural Revolution in Progress Written by Lai Ka Chun (Senior

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Cultivating peace by listening

Written by Ness Ma (Communications Officer) We had all wished for peace in the world when we were young, but as we grew up, we let go of this thought, and it began to fade out. We all experience how brutal reality is and realise how powerless we are. As a result, we could only watch relationships break when people cannot mutually understand each other. Tony, our colleague, encountered these issues as he participated in the Cultivating Peace scheme collaborated by CEDAR Fund and the Centre for Sino-Christian Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. ‘Cultivating peace’ is an act of exploring the best way to make peace in Hong Kong through active listening, emotional caring, and non-violent methods.

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Peace in Turbulent Regions of Myanmar

Written by Edward Lai (Senior Communications Officer) ‘Our dream has come true! We may have our new house very soon. We now come here every day to help build the house.’ Mg Byar Woo, a ten-year-old boy in Myanmar said excitedly.  He invited CEDAR Fund’s partner, Fullmoon Family Foundation (FMFF), to his current temporary shelter and said, ‘every family has only a small living space. We sleep and cook in the same room.’ His family slept on the same narrow bamboo bed with neatly folded sheets.  Though the temporary shelter was crowded, at least he and his family were safe. In his mind, not only his family was safe, but also over 40 other Lisu families, who had

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‘I don’t want to miss out on studying!’ said the Syrian children.

Written by Edward Lai (Senior Communications Officer) ‘I want to become a doctor when I grow up,’ said Bayane. ‘I really enjoy coming to the learning centre. Whenever I am here, I feel extremely happy. I never want to miss out on my daily study sessions at the centre!’ said Bayane, a 14-year-old Syrian refugee. In Lebanon, 90% of Syrian refugee families live in extreme poverty, a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, shelter, sanitation facilities. Refugee families are already under considerable financial strain. In order to survive, they usually resort to negative coping mechanisms, including child labour. Since 2019, CEDAR has been supporting the operation of two learning centres, ran by our

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Fortunate, Unfortunate, or Called? – Children in God’s Eyes

Written by Dr. Sarah Shea (Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary, Vice President of Asia Academy of Practical Theology) No one can choose their mother; we are accustomed to calling children of wealthy families lucky and those born amidst poverty, war, disasters, or disability unlucky. Is this interpretation of children precise and comprehensive? We suggest the contrary, that children are the called ones. Based on the Scripture, children are not arbitrarily manipulated by destiny, instead, they are the actors endowed with different missions in families and communities (Bunge 2001). In the Bible, the vocations of children can be varied, spanning from respecting their parents, loving the Lord, studying and practising the Word, and even teaching adults

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‘SHARE’ 243 – Peace in Turbulent Regions of Myanmar

Editor’s note: To bring peace in the world, you need to have a transcendent vision and accept the pains caused by suffering. Our children and youth development ministry has no absolute formula, but we have the determination to walk alongside, to care for and to watch over the suffering children. In this issue of SHARE, ‘Focus’ brings us to the scene of conflicting Myanmar to listen to children’s desire and frontline workers’ thoughts, and ‘Join Hands Join Hearts’ shares how we fill up the educational gap by providing learning opportunities for Syrian children. Moreover, Dr. Sarah Shea shares the meaning of children as those being called according to the Bible, and teaches us to receive children to accept

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Dear supporters, Year 2021 has gone, but we are still living under the influence of COVID-19. Life in the pandemic hasn’t yet changed. Additionally, the world is still very volatile in economy, society, and governance. We ought to keep changing our mentality to face daily challenges at different degrees, so that we can live positively with people around. One of my family members passed away last year. I understand how helpless and painful families could be when they can’t stay with and care for their loved ones in quarantine. By the time of writing this letter, over 5.2 million people died of COVID-19. We can imagine the enormous pain and regret their families are bearing. The COVID-19 tragedy

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Dear supporters, The ten poorest countries in the world today mainly lie in Africa. They have been suffering from civil wars, political instability, or internecine strife and hatred for many years. All these undermined their capacities to develop societies sustainably. As a result, despite years of international aid, these countries and their economies remain fragile. Some of the CEDAR’s projects are located in conflict regions, such as Afghanistan and Myanmar. CEDAR Fund supports local partners and church organisations to run development projects in these regions, hoping that the residents can acquire essential skills and knowledge to find resources for their basic needs regardless of any circumstances. For example, we have been implementing peace and reconciliation projects in Lebanon,

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‘This generation doesn’t want sectarianism’ – Lebanon’s Interfaith Dialogue Project

Written by Edward Lai (Senior Communications Officer) ‘We are all a pair of hands. Even though we come from different backgrounds – be it Christianity, Sunni or Shia Islam, or Druze – we take to the streets to serve this place together. This generation doesn’t want sectarianism. We are Lebanon. And we will build Lebanon again!’ These were the words of Mohamad, a Lebanese beneficiary of CEDAR’s relief project. Despite having lost his right foot in an accident, Mohamad picked up a broom, steered his own wheelchair, and swept rubble and debris off the streets of Beirut with his son after Lebanon’s capital had suffered a catastrophic explosion at its port in the August of 2020. Mohamad’s actions

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Cultivating Peace in Hong Kong

Written by Edward Lai (Senior Communications Officer) He is a professor, wearing various hats of administrative management in university. Although he is a busy bee, he always spends time listening to youngsters’ desires and struggles. Regarding the recent unprecedented socio-political changes in Hong Kong, he believes that there are still many things to do for the common good, and more companions are needed for collaborations. When we asked about his goal in the next ten years, he responded without a second thought that it must be cultivating the value of peacebuilding in communities. It is ‘cultivating’ because peace cannot be built in one day but years. It is ‘building’ because peace is not given but built by people,

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