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Author: CEDAR Fund

The Mind of Sharing

Written by Dr. Kevin CHENG Shun Kai (Former professor of Theology and Ethics at China Graduate School of Theology) Scriptures reading: Deuteronomy 23:24-25 24If you enter your neighbour’s vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but do not put any in your basket. 25If you enter your neighbour’s grainfield, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to their standing grain. Deuteronomy 23:24-25 24If you enter your neighbour’s vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but do not put any in your basket. 25If you enter your neighbour’s grainfield, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to their standing grain. Leviticus

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‘SHARE’ 250 – Quality Education Transforms Lives

Editor’s note: Children are the future pillars of society. Although this statement may sound cliché, this has been the goal of our work. And children are indeed the foundation of all societal progress. By offering children an opportunity to thrive, we enable the emergence of future leaders of good character who are after the heart of our Lord and fulfil His will. In this issue of SHARE, ‘Focus’ brings us a retrospective glimpse of CEDAR’s recently concluded quality education programme and how it transformed the lives of many impoverished children. While ‘Blessing by Offering ‘has discussed our children’s ministry programme in breadth and depth, ‘Back to the Bible’ has inspired us to rethink how our Lord has envisioned and

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Bringing Hope to Victims in Syria

Written by: Ken Wong (Communications Officer) On 2 February, Turkey and Syria were rocked by two major earthquakes and multiple aftershocks that killed more than 50,000 people and injured more than 120,000. According to WHO officials, Syria has already been in a deep humanitarian crisis for years due to war and cholera, and the country can in no way deal with the aftermath of earthquakes, whether in the near or mid-term. The earthquakes have wreaked havoc that far exceeded the damage caused by shelling during the civil war. Worse, earthquakes gave no warning. Despite the extreme challenges, towering fears and shattering fatigue, however, CEDAR partners have, by the grace of the Lord, done their utmost to provide for

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Dear Supporters, For Dragon Boat Festival this year, Hong Kong resumed the dragon boat race after three years of suspension. As shown on TV and reported through various media channels, participating citizens, organisations and companies were very enthusiastic, and everyone was excited. Whether we deem it as a sport or a festival tradition, dragon boat appeals to many of us. My church had also formed a team to participate in a dragon boat race before, so I had personally experienced the team spirit that comes with it – with a mutual goal and a clear division of work, team members must work together and be in sync to follow the instructions while paddling furiously to reach the finish

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‘SHARE’ 249 – An Experience Connecting with the Impoverished – Barefoot Walk

Written by Clara Chiu (Head of Partnership Development) Awakened by Getting into the Impoverished’ Shoes CEDAR Fund organises Barefoot Walk, our flagship walkathon, every November. Participants have to walk barefoot along a designated route in Hong Kong. We have to prepare almost a year in advance to make it happen, including venue application, route planning, experiential activities’ design, promotional collateral production and event registration. One of the preparation works involves all our colleagues: our trial barefoot walk on the planned route, and it recalls my first day in the CEDAR Fund –‘Colleagues Barefoot Walk’. It was my first time walking on the street barefoot. Apart from dirtiness, I got worried about people’s gaze. Yet, I was walking with

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A Step of the ‘Love Your Neighbor’ Command

Written by Ken Wong (Communications Officer) The ‘Barefoot Walk’ is an activity that allows participants to experience the situation of poverty. Before the participants start walking, the staff of CEDAR Fund will first clean up the walking route, hoping that participants can experience the feeling of poverty through the ‘barefoot’ experience in a safe environment, thereby establishing a connection with the poor. In 2019, a volunteer named Brother Adolphus Yuen participated in the ‘Barefoot Walk’ for the first time and helped with crowd management on the day of the event. He was willing to volunteer, devoted his time, and donated money to sponsor participants joining the ‘Barefoot Walk’. When asked why he was willing to give both money

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Have You Ever Died?

Written by Rev. Sameul Leung (Senior Pastor, Ma On Shan Ling Liang Church) Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 6:3-4 Believers should all say they have ‘died’, because we are united with Christ in His death and burial. When reading these scriptures, Christians emphasise being united with Christ’s death and resurrection but often overlook the word ‘buried’. By focusing on burial, it reinforces the fact of death and highlights that

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Unveiling Human Trafficking

Written by Tony Chan (Partnership Development Consultant) For years, CEDAR has been sharing the issue of human trafficking and has found that many people misunderstand this issue and the victims involved. Let us unveil the dark industry behind human trafficking. Myth: All victims suffer from sexual exploitation Click here for the truth The forms of exploitation that victims suffer vary, including sexual exploitation and forced labour. The author knows a survivor who was once sold to religious fanatics as a sacrifice and was thankfully able to escape in the end. Myth: Only women are sold Click here for the truth About 40% of victims worldwide are men, which is rising. In addition to labour exploitation, they are often

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‘SHARE’ 249 – An Experience Connecting with the Impoverished – Barefoot Walk

Businesses have returned to normalcy after the epidemic, and CEDAR Fund’s ministries, too, that our colleagues can revisit overseas partners and beneficiaries. Yet, our partners from different countries expressed the same that human trafficking is severe and it needs more resources to combat. Therefore, the CEDAR Barefoot Walk 2023 is coming back this November with the title ‘Remove Price Tag, Free Body & Soul’ to encourage participants to raise funds for anti-human trafficking work by walking barefoot. In this issue’s ‘Focus’, three Barefoot Walk participants shared how the Walk connected them with people experiencing poverty. The authors of ‘Back to the Bible’ and ‘Taking Action’ led us to reflect on the importance of tasting the impoverished’s situation through

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Myanmar Cyclone Relief

Cyclone Mocha hit the coastlines of western Myanmar on 14 May. 150 lives were lost as it rampaged through the country. Rakhine state was devastated. More than 5.1 million people were struck by the disaster, many of whom are vulnerable groups, including internally displaced and undocumented persons. Homes, communication towers and road infrastructure were turned into wreckage. The water source was polluted because of the destruction of hundreds of wells and toilets. Many families were deprived of access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation facilities. The residents of Rakhine are tormented by diarrhoea and infectious diseases. In recent years, the Burmese have been afflicted by the civil war. They have been living under threatened food supply and

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