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Category: Children and Youth Development Projects

Children’s Learning Space in Myanmar

Project Name Children’s Learning Space in Myanmar Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Children and Youth Development Church and Community Mobilisation Project Objectives Fill the education gap in Myanmar, especially for underprivileged children and dropouts. Arouse awareness of child protection among poor communities. Beneficiaries Children and orphans in slums and IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps No. of Beneficiaries 460 Key Activities Informal education: 4 days a week (teaching English and Burmese, mathematics, social behaviours, character building, child protection information sharing, arts & crafts) Provide basic stationaries, books, and snacks Teacher training and meetings (with church partnership: human resources and venue) Bible teaching (Sunday School) in some learning spaces Trauma counselling for the children in need Project Period Jan 2024

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Serve Education Programme in Crisis Situation (SEPCS)

Project Name Serve Education Programme in Crisis Situation (SEPCS) Project Location Afghanistan Project Natures Children and Youth Development Project Objectives Assisting ethnic minorities, visually impaired, and hearing-impaired children to receive education. Beneficiaries Visually impaired and hearing-impaired children in Kandahar province. Ethnic minority children in Nangarhar province. No. of Beneficiaries Visually and hearing impaired children, children from minority ethnic groups, parents, and inclusive education support teachers, totalling 1,186 people. Key Activities Provide life skills and self-care training for children with visual and hearing impairments, and assist them in learning Braille or sign language. Assist visually impaired and hearing-impaired children in enrolling in public schools with inclusive education, and provide them with stationery, Braille materials, or sign language learning materials.

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Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District

Project Name Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District Project Location Nepal Project Natures Anti-human Trafficking Children and Youth Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Reduce the risk of human trafficking in the service areas and help survivors live dignified lives in society. Increase educational opportunities for impoverished and vulnerable children, working hand in hand with the community to create a conducive learning environment. Beneficiaries Women and children in the serving region Women working in adult entertainment establishments No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 1,878 Key Activities Conduct school awareness programmes and strengthen the capacity of Community Support Centres to raise awareness about Anti-Human Trafficking and assist survivors. Provide alternative livelihood opportunities to vulnerable women,

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Community Engagement Program for Sustainable Education

Project Name Community Engagement Program for Sustainable Education Project Location Bangladesh Project Natures Children and Youth Development Project Objectives To improve access to education for underprivileged children and build the capacity of local communities to take an active part in managing and operating sustainable quality and holistic education program. Beneficiaries Students from poor and disadvantaged families in urban slums and rural areas Teachers School management committee members Local church representatives No. of Beneficiaries 899 Key Activities Organise training on networking and fundraising strategies for teachers, church partners and school management committee members, and organise fundraising events at the community level Organise local resource mapping workshops and provide seed money for income-generating activities (IGA) Organise celebration events for each

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Gender Equity and Child Rights Promotion

Project Name Gender Equity and Child Rights Promotion Project Location Bangladesh Project Natures Children and Youth Development Advocacy Project Objectives Reduce gender-based violence (GBV) in the community by empowering females and community support system Promote the rights and protection of children and children with disability Beneficiaries Adolescent and youth boys and girls, adults and children with disability from poor families (over 75% are female) No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 2,715 Key Activities Organise training for peer educators and adolescent and youth girls and boys group leaders with lessons on basic life skills, including on positive and supportive gender roles. Support People Institutions (PIs) as local community leaders to plan, set up and manage a community training centre to provide

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