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The Lord calls us to love the poor, and that’s not only about donation, but also caring for the poor as holistic beings. When CEDAR staff shares this message with brothers and sisters in churches and schools, they often express the same struggle, saying, ‘it is hard to relate myself with the poor geographically distant from us’. And we will reply, ‘Let’s start by knowing more about the poor’s situation through reading and praying!’
We invite you to read the stories of the poor regularly to know more about their lives, circumstances, and to sympathise with their pain. In doing so, you will start to see the world in light of their difficulties and to anticipate the Lord’s salvation with them. Everything starts from your heart!

subscribe cedar news

Pay attention to the poor regularly and get to know how God bring the poor life and community transformation through Cedar.

CEDAR Newsletter 'Share'

Total of four issues a year, it published every January, April, July and October, though stories and information, listen to the voices from marginalized communities and start caring the poor.

Letter from cedar

Chief executive’s sharing of the latest affairs of our family – CEDAR, starting from heart, and support our neighbours with CEDAR.

'小希的月亮' Picture book

In the way of parent-child picture book, it tells the story how a girl, Nor Too Hei, changes under the war in Myanmar. The extraordinary story if the little character moves us to serve every weak life together.

Card Game ‘Cheat & Trap’

Players could try different roles in the game ‘Cheat & Trap’. The game is designed to help participants better understand real situations.

Cedar blog

Through the sharing of front-line experience, the mentality of poverty alleviation workers, the reflection of beliefs, and the trivia of poverty alleviation development, we can learn and practice the gospel mission of alleviating the poor.

"施予達仁" Mediation app

Having devotion through '施予達仁' Devotion APP, broaden the religious horizons, bring God’s words in action, and respond to the needs of this era.