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establishment of cedar fund

Established in 1991, CEDAR Fund is an independent Christian relief and development organisation in Hong Kong. It was founded because of a tragic story heard by a founding member – the poor Haitians were suffering from hunger, they had to make mud cakes (mixing mud, water and salt, kneading them into cakes and drying them under the hot sun) to prevent from starving. He believed that Christians must fulfil the mission of loving the poor as commanded by the Lord, so he united with other Christians to establish CEDAR Fund.

Video of the establishment of CEDAR Fund (Chinese only)

CEdar stands for…

Christian response to poverty, through

  • Education
  • Development
  • Advocacy
  • Relief programmes

Working From Church · Through Church

our vision

In Christ we build a just and compassionate world together.

our mission

To live out Integral Mission of the Church in partnership with Christians around the world by:
– Caring for the poor and disadvantaged people
– Facilitating the transformation of lives and communities
– Advocating and practising social justice