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Tag: Anti-human Trafficking

Overcoming the Obstacles of Sin and Pain

Author: Jojo Poon When we said we should respond to the grand problem of human trafficking, we often think of serving the victimised. However, the experience of frontline workers reminds us that the traffickers, though evil, also possess God’s image and are as deprived of care and love as the victims. In March, Harmony Baptist Church, a long-time force in serving minorities and human trafficking victims in Hong Kong, hosted a seminar featuring Kevin Pettit, a counseling tutor, who shared about ways to walk alongside those who are struggling with sins and those who have been hurt deeply by others’ sins. Walking with “Sinners” To serve those who are struggling with sins, we need to first understand how

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The Dwelling of God is with Men

Written: Lincoln Chong, Jojo Poon In September 2015, the image of the body of the Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, washed up on the shores of Mediterranean Sea, drew the attention of the globe to the European refugee crisis and the wars in Middle East. Just a month ago in April, the equally disheartening image of a Syrian father holding the bodies of his little twins died from chemical attacks has once again stirred people’s sentiments. “Now the dwelling of God is with men,” (Revelation 21:3) This promise was not only applicable to the early Christians under Roman suppression, but also to the victims today who seem to have suffered an unending stretch of tortures and hidings because of

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The Letter from CEDAR | April 2013

Banner image: Yunnan pastors map out the progress and achievement to evaluators on their social ministries in the past six years.  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: In early March, CEDAR invited several experienced development workers to evaluate our six-year Church Mobilisation programme in Yunnan, China. Their findings and appreciation give us great encouragement. This project was started as we move from rural community development to church mobilisation on Integral Mission. Apparently it may seem an easy task with training only and without any hardware construction; however, it is more difficult to change one’s soul and mind. To the Chinese government, the Christian approach to drug detox, HIV/AIDS prevention and caring work are sensitive and knotty issues. Thank

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