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Tag: Nepal

Look at Their Dreams

Written by: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) In the ‘Focus’ article, we wrote of the testimony of a child being rescued out of human trafficking in Thailand and given new life. CEDAR also has its anti-human trafficking ministry in Nepal, saving Nepalese women, who were sold to work in the red-light district of Mumbai, India, and their children. We also shelter survivors as we help them recover and reintegrate into society. Not long ago, we invited children to express their dreams by drawing pictures; now, let’s dive into this issue of ‘Join Hands Join Hearts’ to look what the sort of future they anticipate.   Adarsh (pseudonym), six years old, male I drew an aeroplane. I want to be

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Integral Development & Empowerment for Action (IDEA) in Rukum East

Project Name Integral Development & Empowerment for Action (IDEA) in Rukum East Project Location Nepal Project Natures Church and Community Mobilisation Project Objectives Equip local churches to collaborate in fulfilling Integral Mission, bringing renewal and transformation to communities through active implementation of plans and initiatives. Beneficiaries Nepali church believers Pastors Community youth No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 930 Key Activities Organise training sessions, workshops, exchange visits, and experience-sharing activities to introduce the basic missionary principles of Integral Mission to 42 local churches. Cultivate 34 facilitators to guide 18 churches in discovering their own gifts, utilising local resources, and applying the missionary principles of holistic mission to effectively respond to community needs through practical actions. Equip 20 young believers to

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Rescue Girls from Red Light Area of India during COVID-19

Banner image: Ayesha [centre], coordinator of CEDAR’s Nepalese partner, Asha Nepal (Updated on 9 October 2020) Our Nepalese partner recently told us that they rescued two girls from a red light area of India. The situation of the girls was very vulnerable so our partner carried out rescue even under the threat of COVID-19 and closing of borders. These two girls, who were physically and mentally weak, had undergone different circumstances. One of the girls named Nagina (pseudonym, 11 years old) had been sold by her own mother to a relative as a servant, due to poverty. The other girl named Lola (pseudonym, 16 years old) had been harassed sexually by her own father, after the death of

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Flooding in South Asia Displaced over 10 Million People CEDAR Calls for Donations to Help Victims in 3 Countries

(Updated on 30th August, 2019) Many countries in South Asia have been inundated during the monsoon season this year. Although the rain has eased up in some of the hardest stricken areas and water levels have subsided, up to 22 July, over 650 people had been killed and over 10 million had been displaced. In light of the severity of the disaster, CEDAR provided a grant of US$60,000 (around HK$470,000) to our Christian partners in India, Bangladesh and Nepal to provide emergency relief to the victims in the region. CEDAR would like to ask all of you for donations to support disaster victims to overcome the adversity. From June to October every year, monsoon rains bring widespread calamities

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The Answer to Disaster

Written by: Jady Sit Every time there is a disaster, we feel sad and anxious for the suffering victims. While some people would pray for them, others would donate generously or organise a fundraising campaign, and some people would form a volunteer team to serve the devastated survivors through humanitarian work or counselling support. Although we try to give what we can, in the face of a natural disaster, we still feel helpless and powerless, because what could we do to stop tragedies that are not of our control? In 2015, the massive earthquake in Nepal brought irreversible destructions: close to 9,000 casualties, 3.5 million people lost their homes, and Kathmandu Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site,

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Step Out, Live Out the Blessings

Written by: Tiffany Lam During holiday, would you travel abroad, or do something meaningful? A team of 10 brothers and sisters from Evangelical Free Church of China Waterloo Hill Church (WHC) spent their 10-day holidays in Nepal last April. They travelled to mountainous communities in Gorkha to visit CEDAR’s partner ACN who are doing post-disaster work. “Through this trip, we hope to help brothers and sisters realise what integral mission is and broaden their gospel vision,” says Joshua, former WHC staff and part of the team. Therefore, they stepped out of the air-conditioning room at church and went to remote mountainous area where they practised walking with local people and the meaning of offering a cup of cold water to

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From Desolation to Community

Written and edited by: Jady Sit, Jojo Poon At noon on 25 April 2015, Nepal was hit by the strongest earthquake in 80 years. Countless families lost their loved ones, homes, and properties. Approximately one third of Nepal’s population, 8 million, was affected by the quake. In the midst of ruthless disaster, people responded with love. Shortly after the earthquake, the world quickly pooled their resources to help. Yet, when global news coverage died down and emergency relief phased out, this was when we began to walk with the affected communities, helping them to rebuild and recover their communities sustainably for the long run. In the last decade, CEDAR has been supporting partners’ community development work in mountainous

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Local Churches – the Local Power of Community Development

Written and edited by: Tsun Wan Yan, Jojo Poon The act of poverty alleviation often gives the impression of aid workers carrying with them gifts of livestock and funds sponsoring children and their education to some remote villages. However, have you ever considered that the local churches are better suited in bringing continued and sustainable development and support to the people in need? To address the root causes of poverty for the poor, we must help the poor learn how to fish instead of relying on outsiders’ help. To prevent dependency on foreign aid, which would consequently hinder community growth, the average span of a development project is usually five to 10 years, and the development organisation will

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South Asia Floods Relief Enters New Stage

Banner Image: CEDAR’s partner, ACN, in Nepal has been distributing much-needed relief aid to vulnerable families Nepal, India, and Bangladesh have been facing the worst monsoon rains in 15 years, triggering severe flooding across the three countries. Over 1,200 people have been killed, and 41 million people have been affected. CEDAR’s partners begun their responses the week after the flooding intensified. The initial responses were carried out in Nawalparasi district in central Nepal and Bihar state in northern India, providing emergency relief items for affected communities. The response is entering a new stage right now. CEDAR has allocated funds for Asal Chhimekee Nepal (ACN) in Nepal to provide hygiene kits and winter items for 600 households and provide

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41 Million Affected by Heavy Flooding in South Asia

Banner image: Incessant rainfalls have triggered widespread flooding in South Asia, affecting over 41 million people, including vulnerable women and children. Torrential downpour have caused severe and widespread flooding in India, Bangladesh and Nepal, killing 1,200 people and affecting 41 million people. Countless homes have been damaged and destroyed. Many are displaced and deprived of food and water for days. The region’s monsoon season last from June till September every year, but some aid agencies said things are worse this year. The United Nations said the situation could possibly deteriorate further as rains continue in some flood-affected areas and flood waters move south. In India, over 32 million people are affected. Several rivers are flowing at dangerous levels

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