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Tag: Syria

Winter Assistance to Syrians 2023-24

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have sought refuge in neighbouring Lebanon to escape the conflict, living a life of displacement and uncertainty. Unfortunately, Lebanon itself has been facing its worst economic crisis in a century, according to the World Bank. As a result, nearly four million people in Lebanon currently rely on humanitarian aid to survive. As the winter months from November to March approach, Lebanon will face severe weather conditions. The harsh winter weather, including blizzards, landslides, and flooding, poses a constant threat to Syrian refugees living in temporary tents or rough dwelling places. Additionally, in some parts of Lebanon, temperatures drop below freezing, making it even more

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Bringing Hope to Victims in Syria

Written by: Ken Wong (Communications Officer) On 2 February, Turkey and Syria were rocked by two major earthquakes and multiple aftershocks that killed more than 50,000 people and injured more than 120,000. According to WHO officials, Syria has already been in a deep humanitarian crisis for years due to war and cholera, and the country can in no way deal with the aftermath of earthquakes, whether in the near or mid-term. The earthquakes have wreaked havoc that far exceeded the damage caused by shelling during the civil war. Worse, earthquakes gave no warning. Despite the extreme challenges, towering fears and shattering fatigue, however, CEDAR partners have, by the grace of the Lord, done their utmost to provide for

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「去年冬天,我和家人凍得要死了。我們買不起木材或燃料來取暖。我們唯有燒掉所有可以燃燒的東西,從尼龍布到鞋子。每次下雨,雨水都會從屋頂漏進屋內,我們不得不到處放水桶。在暴風雪中,我們的屋頂在雪的重壓下倒塌。」 在香港生活,我們未必能夠親身感受寒冬如何致命,但透過以上文字,我們都可以知道,寒冬時刻為貧窮人帶來威脅。 Khadija(化名)的慘痛不只以上描述、在冬天掙扎求存。她和家人原本居住在敘利亞,生活安全而且一無所缺。直至2011年敘利亞爆發內戰,她的家園被毀,連同她和家人的美滿生活都毀於一旦。2014年她和孩子逃到黎巴嫩,期間由坐車改為徒步翻山越嶺,因為兩國間的邊境已經關閉。 幾經辛苦,她和孩子逃到黎巴嫩,但家庭已經分散,因為丈夫年老,亦有孩子太年幼,他們都無法逃走。Khadija自此沒有見過留在敘利亞的家人。 她和家人在黎巴嫩東部的難民營生活,要自行──以木頭和防水帆布──搭建帳篷,合共八人就這樣在異地住了下來。期間,Khadija的兒子和媳婦誕下兩個女兒。Khadija每日都要為家庭的開銷苦惱。 沒有固定的收入來源,Khadija和家人只能依靠援助生活。例如聯合國會向個別已登記的難民每人每月發放折合約港幣$97的現金(以受訪時的匯率計算),每個家庭以六個人為上限。換言之,Khadija一家八口只有靠約港幣$580度日(編按:據施達在當地的夥伴所說,聯合國將會減少援助總數約四分之一的難民家庭,如果Khadija不幸失去這分援助,她的情況就更嚴峻了)。當夏天的時候,Khadija可以做散工,賺取每日折合約港幣$11的工資,而到了冬天就連賺取微薄收入的機會也沒有;但是她們有恆常的開支,例如租金需要港幣$58,而公共電力費用需要港幣$97──這裏已佔Khadija家庭四分之一的收入。加上黎巴嫩通貨膨脹失控,日常生活開銷急劇增加,令Khadija承受巨大的財政壓力。 「營地的生活愈來愈難以忍受。我們需要的大部分東西,我們都無法得到,甚至麵包也變得太貴了……沒有甚麼東西是我們不需要的。」 難民營的生活令人難以忍受,Khadija和家人要節衣縮食才能糊口,她們一天只可以食一餐,而且只有麵包;讓孩子入學更加是遙不可及的夢。Khadija亦因為沒有足夠金錢,所以病了也無法購買藥物治病。至於供應家庭電力的發電機,他們更加不可能有餘裕購買(當地政府每日只有數小時供電)。 當地教會弟兄對Khadija的家庭伸出援手,例如曾經提供食物盒(過去一年已經停止),而且屋頂塌陷教會的弟兄也會幫手修補。然而,現實始終令Khadija無法心安: 「我們非常擔心即將到來的冬天,它可能像上一個冬天一樣糟糕,甚至更糟。 我們急切需要床墊和毛毯,你看我們這裏連一件都沒有。我的兒子和他的妻子只有兩條小毯子,儘管他們有兩個孩子,並且正懷着第三個孩子。我們無法讓所有人都保持溫暖。今年的物價比往年更貴,我們甚麼都買不起。」 Khadija一家不單要面對流離失所,物價騰貴,更令人覺得心酸是在寒冬中他們只能瑟縮家裏;但這個家的屋頂可能隨時被積雪的重量壓垮,因為去年屋頂就曾經倒塌,幸好沒有人因此受傷。可是又一個凜冬將至,Khadija和家人要再次面對冬寒刺骨的威脅。 施達今年仍然會與當地夥伴合作,撥款港幣$234,000支援在敘利亞和黎巴嫩因為戰火而陷入困境的貧窮人,預計總共幫助47,950人次。面對冬寒他們無可奈何,但我們住在香港吃得飽、穿得暖的同時,願意為他們奉獻微小的關愛,讓在困境和威脅中的難民及當地貧民有得到溫飽的機會嗎? 項目詳情: 敘利亞: 在12個地區向貧窮家庭派發:毛毯、靴子、帽子、保暖衣,預計幫助26,950人次。 黎巴嫩: 在4個地區向貧窮家庭派發:毛毯、床墊、保暖衣、應急照明燈、防水帆布、地毯、燃料券,預計幫助21,000人次。 請支持貧窮家庭,你可以奉獻: 每月港幣$200 為1個家庭提供毛毯及床墊 每月港幣$400 為1個家庭提供靴子、帽子及保暖衣 每月港幣$900 為2個家庭提供應急照明燈、防水帆布及地毯 每月港幣$1,200 為5個家庭提供燃料劵 網上奉獻 事工報告 敘利亞寒冬送暖2021-22事工報告 奉獻方法 (請註明:「敘利亞寒冬送暖」2022-23) 如籌得奉獻金額超出以上資助撥款,餘款將撥入本會設立的「緊急救援及災前預防儲備金」,以助我們日後迅速回應各地的災難,減輕災難對社區的影響。

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Forgotten pain

In the past year, the political situation in the world has undergone some unprecedented changes. Just as we are witnessing the recent war between Russia and Ukraine, many people in other parts of the world also suffer from war and homelessness. Therefore, in addition to serving the immediate needs of the refugees in various places, CEDAR’s partners also assist in community development so that traumatised groups can rebuild their lives. The Myanmar military authority overthrew the democratically elected government on 1 February 2021. After the establishment of the military government, the military was mobilised to suppress opposition demonstrations and to conduct arrests. Al Jazeera, citing a monitoring group, said 1,700 people died as of March this year. The

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Banner photo: Syrian children use electric heaters to keep warm. The ten-year war in Syria has caused nearly 500,000 deaths so far. Over the past ten years, more than half of the country’s population have fled their homes. There are also more than 6 million internal-displaced people who are unable to leave and have to live in refugee camps. Many of them live in crude makeshift tents, and when winter comes, they have to endure the harsh wind every night under such poor condition. Seriously damaged by the war, no one can foresee when peace will emerge in this ancient civilised country, since the war has already caused 80% of the population across the country into poverty. In

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Winter Assistance Brings Warmth to over 10,000 Displaced People in Syria

The conflict in Syria begins its ninth year with no sign of ending at the moment. As global attention drifts away, more than 6.2 million internally displaced people are still struggling to shelter and feed themselves. The most critical time for these refugees is to live through the brisk winter every year. Between December last year and January this year, it was reported that at least 29 children and newborns died, mainly from hypothermia, while fleeing to refugee camp in the eastern region of the country or shortly after arrival [1]. Child in Syria The survival of the harsh winter is yet another challenge on top of the issues of poverty and internal conflicts that have brought immense

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