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Dear CEDAR friends and supporters,

At the time of writing, Hong Kong recorded its hottest summer solstice in more than 40 years as temperatures reached 34 degrees. I was on a call with our field partner in India, and he was sharing how they had just experienced a record temperature of 50(!) degrees. ‘It’s not a human level of heat.’ 192 people have died in Delhi within a 9-day period this month due to the heat wave. Even at nighttime, people can barely sleep because of the suffocatingly high temperature, and this has led to increased stress on people’s bodies.

The extreme heat is particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as for farmers and outdoor workers. The heat also has a huge impact on agriculture, causing crop damage and reduced yields, which in turn leads to food shortage and hunger. Vulnerable populations such as women, children, the elderly, and the poor are most at risk.

All these are symptomatic of a deeper underlying issue: climate change. Human-induced climate change is a cause for lament ─ we lament a planet that is wildly out of balance, and we lament the loss of lives and habitats, hunger and ill health, forced displacement and forced migration. At the same time, the climate emergency and devastation call us to action.

Our Christian faith gives us the hope and boldness to respond to God’s call for climate justice, to care for God’s creation, and to serve those who are most at risk and are hurting because of climate change. ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it; the world, and all who live in it.’ (Psalm 24:1)

I hope to invite you to join us in standing up for climate justice by participating in our annual Barefoot Walk (Chinese webpage only) to be held on 2 November (Saturday). The theme for this year’s Walk is ‘Care for the Disaster-Stricken Poor,’ and we will be raising funds to support our partners in Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe on development projects that focus on Creation Care and Climate Justice. Apart from fundraising, the Walk will also include an experiential learning component. Please invite your friends and family to join!

Lastly, in order to save paper and help conserve the environment, we are asking our supporters if you would consider receiving e-copies of our quarterly SHARE newsletters instead of hard copies. We understand for some of our supporters, it may be easier to read hard copies, while others may prefer e-copies. If you would like to switch to e-copies, please let us know by clicking here and filling out the form.

Hope to see you on 2 November!

Your sister in Christ,

Winnie Fung
Chief Executive