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Red Packet Campaign

Brightening the Lives of Refugee Children

People in war-torn regions live under the shadow of conflict for years on end. While adults flee to distant places, often losing hope in the process, how do their children cope with life as refugees?

Due to ongoing conflicts, approximately 1.5 million Syrians have fled to neighbouring Lebanon, with half of these refugees being teenagers and children under the age of 18. Among children aged 6 to 14, 37% have dropped out of school, and some have even become child labourers.

Beyond Syria, countries like Afghanistan and Myanmar are also plagued by civil wars and violent conflicts, forcing people to constantly move in search of safety. Though the end of these conflicts seems far off, we can still extend a helping hand, giving these children and their families a chance to change their futures.

Please support the ‘Red Packet Campaign’ and help CEDAR serve families and children in need across the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, brightening their lives.

The ‘Red Packet Campaign’ is for both adults and children:

  • Donate Red Packet: Choose to donate the money you receive in red packets. Attach a ‘Lucky Sticker’ to your red packets and send blessings to impoverished communities.
  • Give Red Packets: Fill in the donation slip inside the ‘CEDAR Red Packets’. You can also pass the red packets on to your friends and family, encouraging them to turn their blessings into action.
  • Spread the Word: Request ‘CEDAR Red Packets’ and ‘Lucky Stickers’ from us to distribute among your community.
  • Invite Us to Share: CEDAR can share the stories of refugee children, helping more people understand their needs.
CEDAR Red Packet
(Chinese Only)
Lucky Stickers
(Chinese Only)

your response

Invite Us for a Talk

CEDAR can provide short talks for participating schools and churches, highlighting the poverty in beneficiary regions and helping children and youth gain a deeper understanding of our poverty alleviation work.

participate or enquire

Contact: Mr Dustin Tang / Ms Clara Chiu
Phone: (852) 2381 9627
WhatsApp: (852) 6383 6861

… remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

Acts 20:35

‘… remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”‘ (Acts 20:35)

donation method

(Please specify: Red Packet Campaign)

Autopay (for regular donations)

Click here to download the “Monthly Donation Form”

Online Donation

Click here to donate through Visa, Master, JCB or UnionPay


Please make it payable to CEDAR FUND

Direct Deposit

HSBC: 004-600-385678-001

BEA: 015-185-68-00931-7SSA

BOC: 012-581-2-020114-7

DBS: 016-478-001364162

Faster Payment System

FPS ID: 3354016 or scan the below code in the online banking


Click here or scan the below code (Please fill in your name and contact information in the message field)

After donation, please send a completed Donation Form, enclosing with cheque, bank-in slip or screenshot of successful payment along with your name, contact phone number and mailing address to us via mail, email or WhatsApp.

> Donation Form Download

Address: CEDAR Fund, G.P.O. Box 3212, Hong Kong
WhatsApp (for donation matters only): 5160 7549

  1. CEDAR is an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please visit Inland Revenue Department website for details.
  2. CEDAR Fund will issue a receipt for a donation of HK$100 or above for tax deduction. For a donation of less than HK$100, please get in touch with us to issue a receipt.
  3. Please DO NOT fax any donation information.